Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Thing 16

The start page that I decided to use was the ustart.org. I thought it was pretty cool being able to create a page and putting whatever you would like on it. You can put anything from the weather to Facebook to TV shows on your page. This one appealed to me the most because I like the layout and the freedom to create whatever you want. I would make this my home page because it describes me and things that I like to do. Online calenders can be useful in many ways such as keeping up with appointments, knowing when events are coming up and also being able to decorate them however you want. Some tools that I would recommend to use in the classroom are Zamzar or Pdfconverter. These would be good for converting a document or even concerting Mp3 and Mp4 files. This is a good technology for students to use to teach them about different options they would have.

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